Be Inspired – December 2023

You’ve heard me say that the two most important things on our journey to wellness are consistency and patience.

This month I planned on talking about the reasons we may avoid consistency in our workouts and how to create those habits.

Then I was told two weeks ago I needed a biopsy due to abnormal mammograms and imaging.

To be completely transparent, that sent me into a little bit of an anxiety and fear tailspin.

In my work towards getting out of that and finding some peace, I came across an interview where it was said that we need courage in order to be vulnerable and open to what life has in store for us.

Then I found our quote for the month that states “Part of courage is simple consistency.”

And that led to our theme for this month.

We are discussing the importance of consistency, and how COURAGE is an imperative piece to that.

In this month’s members podcast, I’ll discuss all of this and go into detail around how we can use courage to create movement consistency in our lives.

We can do this – together.

Listen to the full podcast here.

Be Inspired – July 2024

Be Inspired – June 2024

Be Inspired – May 2024