Be Inspired – April 2024

The world tends to make exercise so complicated.

We are told we need to figure out all the “rules” in order to exercise effectively.

How long should we workout? Should we have a rest day? Are workouts best in the morning or afternoon? Should we eat beforehand or exercise on an empty stomach? Low reps and high weight or high reps and low weight? Or no weights at all? What about stretching?

We can overthink it so much that we become paralyzed and don’t do anything at all!

I’m here to tell you that you can let go of the rules and stop overthinking.

The key is to simply move.

Develop habits. Day after day, week after week. Practice consistency and then – once you have those movement habits created – you can start to create more of a plan that works for you and your goals!

Listen to this month’s members only podcast where I talk about creating your own workout program and how to avoid the stress and find the joy in it all. You can listen here.

Also join my monthly “coffee chat” April 1st where I’ll talk in depth about this topic! You can find the link to join live here and if you can’t join live, the recording will be in the UNLIMITED video library later in April.

Be Inspired – July 2024

Be Inspired – June 2024

Be Inspired – May 2024