Be Inspired – September 2022


When I think about the benefits of Pilates and movement, I think about YOU.

When I film a new workout or develop content for UNLIMITED, I think about YOU.

Do you feel excited to do a workout?

Do you feel encouraged and inspired or defeated and discouraged?

Do you feel safe to try different variations and modifications depending on your specific needs?

Do you feel seen as an individual throughout your various seasons of life?

Do you feel honored and valued?

Do you believe in yourself the way I believe in you?

We are all different. I would never create a program that works to make cookie cutter individuals.

That is not the way life works!

We are all dealt different cards and are dealing with hundreds of different life scenarios. We have different injuries and pasts and motivation and experience and trauma and hopes and fears.

Our movement journeys are destined to be different as well.

I want to make sure you embrace your difference and let go of any shame or fear or embarrassment you may feel around it.

If you ever need a variation or modification in a workout, take it and own it. If you ever need to take a rest in the middle of our repetitions, do it. If you ever need to simply turn me off from your screen and walk in the fresh air instead, go for it.

The only way to truly start to see and believe in the strength you have and are capable of is to start to believe in yourself. That means every part of you. I know that can be a big ask, and it doesn’t have to come all at once.

But if you can start with one step towards embracing who you are in this life, the next step may just be a little easier.

Be Inspired – July 2024

Be Inspired – June 2024

Be Inspired – May 2024