Be Inspired – October 2023

The world tells us exercise should be used to sweat. To burn. To punish our bodies. To look a certain way. To be like someone else. To fit into those jeans.

Exercise should be about motivation. Discipline. No excused. No pain no gain.

We have different ideas here at Jessica Valant Pilates.

Exercise can – and should – be used as an extension of who you are.

Exercise and movement are tools that can serve us. They are ways to empower us. They can speak from our minds and spirits.

Exercise can be a tribute of the heart.

In whatever way you chose to move or exercise this month, remember that.

Dedicate it to yourself. To your joy and your ability and your uniqueness.

Celebrate yourself through movement and I’ll be celebrating right along with you!

In this month’s members only podcast, I talk all about the Pilates for Life Challenge and the details so you can join! We will be using the month to experience how Pilates can help us honor ourselves through movement. You can listen here.

Be Inspired – July 2024

Be Inspired – June 2024

Be Inspired – May 2024