Be Inspired – January 2020




Those are words we sometimes relate to being a child. They are ideas of long ago that we let go of as we grow up.

Who has time to explore? What’s the point in dreaming? What is there to discover anymore?

I came across this quote over 15 years ago and it quickly became a cornerstone of my life. I used it as a guidepost for most of the major decisions I made.

I could either chose to do something or not to do something. Either way, there could be regrets. There are no for sure things in life and any decision can feel like a risk in some ways.

I simply decided I would rather take a risk by DOING something than by NOT doing it.

When deciding whether to open my first Pilates studio. Moving to Hawaii then leaving eight years later. Opening a second studio. Selling my studios and finding a new job for the first time in ten years. Starting IVF. Doing IVF a second time when my heart had already been broken from a first unsuccessful cycle. Starting Momentum Fest. Putting my first video up on YouTube.

All of those were major steps outside of my comfort zone that I decided to take and I don’t regret a single one. I also know that – if those decisions hadn’t of worked out – the worst thing that would happen is I could say I tried. I could open a new studio, move back to Hawaii, close down my online programs, move forward with a peaceful heart knowing I had tried everything I could to have that second baby.

This month’s theme in UNLIMITED is EXPLORE. I want you to explore your heart. Explore your body. Explore what you can do and what you want.

When you try a new workout think of it as following your curiosity and simply exploring the possibilities. There is no right or wrong! You are discovering and trying new things.

It’s amazing to watch my young kids play with a new toy. They figure out the most creative and impressive things! They don’t look at directions and figure out right and wrong. They just do it and come up with new and awesome possibilities.

That’s what we can do if we simply let ourselves.

This is a new year, a new decade. If there has ever been a time for exploration it’s now.




Be Inspired – July 2024

Be Inspired – June 2024

Be Inspired – May 2024