Be Inspired – April 2021

I recently found some video footage from a year ago. It was me having just discovered a few moves I could do at home with the theraband to mimic the reformer. The reality of an extended time away from the studio and gyms was hitting me and I was desperate for some prone box work and pulling straps I felt like I could only get on the equipment.

I thought this variation with a theraband and couch was so creative and fun at the time! Little did I know we were all in for a year and counting of home workouts, making it work with what weā€™ve got and figuring out all the things.

While Iā€™ve missed the idea of the gym so so much – the ability to actually walk into a place of business and do my choice of workout and maybe see an acquaintance and stop to chat – I havenā€™t missed the ACTUAL workouts.

I think itā€™s because Iā€™m just not afraid to try lots of stuff at home and see what works and what doesnā€™t!

That is the true vision and mission behind UNLIMITED and I have really seen it play out in my own life over the past 12 months and counting.

Sometimes when we see someone on social media or in a place of authority we think theyā€™ve got it all figured out, or that they have a perfect routine or plan they follow.

I think itā€™s important to know we are ALL just throwing stuff at the wall sometimes to see what sticks!


Many times you’ll try something and it will feel hard. You’ll fall. You’ll feel weak or discouraged or confused or even embarrassed.

Don’t ever feel like that is a failure. That may just be the beginning of success.

Donā€™t give up. Donā€™t quit. Donā€™t stop believing that something will eventually stick. Whether it be home workouts or a new habit or finding a job you love or a way to connect with your child.

Keep trying, keep throwing, keep being willing to fail.

Thatā€™s what leads to success ā¤ļø.

Be Inspired – July 2024

Be Inspired – June 2024

Be Inspired – May 2024